Coaching Skills at Work

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Leader Coach Video Tutorials
By Saba Imru Mathieu 10 Dec, 2020
When someone comes to you with an idea of something they want to do, but they’re still wondering about it, instead of jumping in to give them all sorts of advice, try adopting a coaching posture by asking these 4 questions.
Leader Coach Video Tutorials
By Saba Imru Mathieu 03 Nov, 2020
Coaching is about having the right supportive mindsets, as well as displaying excellent communication and coaching skills. Adopting a positive, humane, winning, mindset will help you be a better leader coach.
By Saba Imru 14 Jun, 2020
The current world crisis has shown that human qualities, empathy, compassion, kindness are cardinal to overcoming the many difficult challenges that people are facing everyday. To help bring empathy to life in the workplace Dana Walden shares her expertise, in a webinar entitled "Empathy". Dana tells us about what it is, how to develop it easily and the immense positive impact it has on the workplace. Please watch and give us your impression in the comment box below. We'd love to hear from you!
Leader Coach Video Tutorials
By Saba Imru Mathieu 19 May, 2020
When you want to help a colleague or a team member who is having a conflict with someone else, you can use your coaching skills to help them clarify what is upsetting them, and what kind of outcome they want to see. You'll need to listen empathically, be ready to give them some time to vent, and ask open-ended questions that will help them see beyond their first reactions to the conflict.
By Saba Imru Mathieu 16 May, 2020
Coaching can help to understand the real nature of a conflict. By using self-coaching you can bring down your emotional turmoil enough to reflect at what you want to obtain and how you want to resolve the conflict situation you are in.
By Saba Imru Mathieu 15 Apr, 2020
When you get an assignment from your boss, you can use coaching skills and open-ended questions to clarify exactly what they want in terms of end outcome and quality of execution.
Leader Coach Video Tutorials
By Saba Imru Mathieu 31 Mar, 2020
Feedback is a dialogue, it requires trust and openness between the giver and the receiver of the feedback. Using coaching skills can help you give feedback in a way that is respectful, authentic and oriented towards improvement and growth.
Leader Coach Video Tutorials
By Saba Imru Mathieu 11 Feb, 2020
Leaders who coach choose the situation where it is most appropriate to use their coaching skills, for example when they want to help a colleague think things through and come up with their own conclusions.
By Saba Imru Mathieu 15 Nov, 2019
Leaders who coach in the work place can do so in two ways. Formal coaching is used when you want to coach a colleague on ongoing basis for a certain period, for example if they just joined your team or if they're in charge of a new project. Spontaneous coaching instead is what occurs in everyday short conversations during which you can use coaching skills to quickly solve a problem or find a new perspective.
Leader Coach Video Tutorials
By Saba Imru Mathieu 15 Oct, 2019
Leaders who coach tend to refrain from giving quick solutions. Instead they ask open questions to enable their colleagues to come up with their own ideas.
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Read blog posts on coaching

By Saba Imru Mathieu 11 Aug, 2021
A coaching conversation unfolds as a form of gentle inquiry aimed at helping a person to think through a problem, clarify an objective or find new perspectives. The "coach" uses open-ended questions that invite novel thinking, and largely refrains from giving their own tips.
By Saba Imru Mathieu 31 Aug, 2020
Knowing when to coach is just as important as knowing how to coach. Coaching works best when you want to invite new perspectives, or have team members discover their own solutions. Here are a few tips on how to go about it.
By Saba Imru Mathieu 25 Jul, 2020
The first reason that I prefer the term “leader coach” rather than “manager coach” is that management is associated with ensuring that processes work properly, bringing order, organizing and controlling. Whereas leadership is associated with dealing with people, creating a vision, establishing trusting relations, motivating, empowering others.
By Saba Imru-Mathieu 19 Jul, 2020
If you’re new to leading a virtual team, with a dispersed team also new to telecommuting, you will need as many resources as possible to help you succeed in this new mode of being with your colleagues and coordinating work online.
By Saba Imru Mathieu 14 Jun, 2020
There are so many books about coaching and it’s quite hard to navigate through all the titles to find what really matches your needs. Here are a few tips from my bookshelf.
By Saba Imru Mathieu 31 May, 2020
Saba was interviewed for the UN Special magazine by V. Riemer of WHO after conducting several workshops on coaching skills and coaching culture.
By Saba Imru Mathieu 31 May, 2020
Leadership is something we all express in our lives, most often without realizing it. Here are three essential leadership skills that we can easily put into practice more deliberately from today.
By Saba Imru-Mathieu 27 May, 2020
Coaching is not only reserved for managers who coach their direct reports. Coaching shouldn’t be a hierarchical privilege. It is a communication style that everyone can adopt, it’s an attitude, it’s a way of conversing with others so that they can develop or clarify their ideas, motivations and actions.
By Saba Imru Mathieu 08 May, 2020
For most coaches, an introduction into practicing our profession started with learning a coaching tool.  Coaching is experiential so there's nothing more convenient than a coaching tool to start off practicing. But are we hooked on using tools?
By Saba Imru Mathieu 23 May, 2019
As a leader, it’s not always easy to have constructive conversations with employees. In fact, some leaders dread addressing negative behaviors, or on the other hand, they are stingy about offering positive reinforcement.
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